Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pictures to take

As I find myself in Texas currently I've started thinking about which pictures I may be able to take to replace the ones that are not mine, or that I would just like slightly better copies of...

Bats (i don't think it's the correct time of year for this)
Elisabet Ney (or rather a picture of her portrait...would the Elisabet Ney museum have this?)
Amy's Ice Cream
Roller Derby
Treaty Oak
UT Tower, lit up orange (this will only work if they win their bowl game)
Stevie Ray Vaughn statue by the river
Bluebonnets (winter is definitely not the time of year for this)
SXSW (not festival time right now either)
Zilker Christmas Tree

And a few that I wouldn't mind getting better pictures of:
Dairy Queen
James Avery
Kirby Lane