Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tasks accomplished

I actually accomplished several of the things I was aiming to do while I was back in Texas. Several of the pictures have now been taken, of course there are also several new ones that need to be worked out (I swear sometime I'll get them all sorted out). I seem to have found the hoard of original pictures taken on my mom's computer and brought them back with me. My favorite photo task was taking pictures of the Roller those girls can skate quite nervy.

I also, thanks to my brother-in-law have a much better idea of what couplets need some work and which are okay. We rewrote several of them completely, hence the completely new pictures needed. Unfortunately this happened towards the end of my visit so I just ran out of time to get around the city. Happily though, a location in Buda, my hometown and now a suburb of Austin, will soon feature in a rhyme.

All in all, progress was made, unfortunately my timeline seems to be extending again until I can get back to take more photos - or perhaps convince someone else to take them for me.